So out of all the projects that I have queued up to completely revamp the network, the first one up is to move all of our files and served applications (other than financial) from our current Novell 5.1 servers (ick) to a new Dell PE 2650 box (heavily built out - Dell had a buy 2 get 1 free deal, so I spec'd in a 3.0Ghz 1mb cache Xeon, 5 73GB SCSI drives in RAID 5 {should have done RAID 10, but oh well} and 2GB of memory).
The server is running Win 2003 and is ready to go. So am I. The main thing holding me back is that my boss wants me to test it out thorougly before switching everyone over. Rightly so. My problem is that I'm a get up and do it kind of administrator. I've never been particularly big on testing...Actually one of my weak points, that and security. Anyhow, going in tomorrow to restore data from tonight's backup tape onto the new server and see what happens.
At this point if I did make the switch quickly without a lot of testing, I would get flack for it because they want it tested, yet I also know that I could move everything tomorrow with only minor difficulties.
Most IT admins are way too conservative. I'm the opposite and need to work on moving over a little. Then again, at some point you have to say Go and just fix whatever issues arise.
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