This article was previously posted on my Computerworld blog.
This I've previously written about the Sony SXRD HDTV sets and my experiences with them here and here.
Unfortunately, while I still like the sets and think that the technology is the best out there dollar for dollar for large screen TVs (50" and up), I have recently run into a problem with my set.
My set developed what is being called elsewhere as the "yellow stain" issue. Basically, something goes wrong with the display engine (probably in the SXRD chips themselves) that makes the TV start to put a yellow tinge to the display, most notably in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The longer the TV is on, particularly when displaying static images, the worse it gets. The problem goes away after the set is turned off for a few hours, but then comes back again after the SXRD HDTV has been on for a little while.
If you display a static image for 30 minutes or so, such as the main menu of the Xbox 360, the problem will show up when you switch to watch something else. Again, the problem mainly manifests itself on the upper right hand of the screen, but you will start to see the "yellow stains" elsewhere as well.
Another good example? Play a game such as Need For Speed: Carbon on your SXRD set for 30 minutes or more and when you switch to watch something else, you will continue to see a yellow stain in the shape of the Heads Up Display (HUD) used for the cars in the game.
Now, not all SXRD sets have this issue, but apparently enough do that there is a class action lawsuit against Sony over the issue.
Anyhow, today I had a repair person out to replace the display engine for my 50" XBR SXRD unit, a process which took around 3 hours or so. I was lucky that it happened while the unit was under warranty.
Then again, since the repair does not extend my warranty, even for the replacement part, I may be out of luck if the issue happens again in 9 months time.
What's odd to me is that none of the large screen manufacturers that I know of are offering anything other than a 1 year warranty standard on their sets. Sony is no different in this regard. Yeah, sure you can buy an extended warranty, but when you are already spending several thousand dollars on a TV, it's eggregious to have to spend even more for what should be a standard item for a solid state TV.
Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that old CRT sets typically had a 3 year (or longer) warranty, but these new sets that should have lower failure rates (except for perhaps the bulbs in rear-projection units) than older sets have just 1 year?
Any way you toss it, based on the comments of the repair person who fixed my set, Sony does indeed have a PR problem on their hands (poor Sony, this is what PR problem number n+1 for them in the last year or so) in regards to the relatively high failure rate of what should be one of their biggest hit products.
But as I said at the opening of this article, I still see no other technology that compares to SXRD (when it's working at least). DLP is half baked as long as they are only using one display element and JVC's LCoS variety isn't nearly as sharp as SXRD, oh and all the other large screen offerings are quite a bit more expensive than the SXRD units as well.
I just hope that Sony does good for all the customers out there that are having the "yellow stain" issue with their SXRD sets. In particular, they should fix for free even those sets that have the problem beyond their warranty period.
I'm also wondering if anyone with a newer generation SXRD unit has run into this issue or whether Sony was able to resolve whatever the problem was with their manufacturing process.
I was informed that Sony is addressing this issue without "acknowledging it exists" but hey... As long as they get it fixed.
Carmelo Lisciotto
Posted by: Carmelo Lisciotto | Monday, April 02, 2007 at 09:12 AM
Sony has announced that they are extending warranty coverage over the optical block AKA light engine in the XBR1's through October, 2008, as well as a program to reimburse customers who paid out of pocket costs on optical block replacements and servicing.
See for details.
Posted by: Jonathan Abbey | Friday, April 06, 2007 at 02:20 PM
Great article! I have a 50A2020 SXRD which has pretty much the same problem as yours had, The TV repair man was just here and gave the ok for a new optical block. Glad to hear that yours is now fixed, Hopefully I will get that lucky as well.
Posted by: Nick H | Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 08:43 AM
my name paul p. i have sony sxrd 60' and ihave thesame problem like you guys about the yellow and greenish stuff it occures on the screen of the tv.i called sony company and make complain about it .and the person that i talk in sony company said i need to pay the expences because its out of warranty already.i buy this tv last couple of years ago that was last nov.2005.i am so dissapointed becaus itworks only a couple of years, i paid that tv 4500.00 dollars + tax so more or less 5000.00 dollars. is there any one can help me what to do with it?any advice? should i participate the law suet?
Posted by: paul | Wednesday, December 05, 2007 at 01:39 AM
If you do in fact have the yellow stain issue or another issue related to the optics engine of the TV, Sony extended the warranty of that part on all the SXRD sets to October 31, 2008.
So call Sony back up and tell them that your optical block is in fact under warranty.
You can go here:
To find out the details of this extension on the warranty.
Posted by: Alex Scoble | Wednesday, December 05, 2007 at 08:09 AM
I purchased a Sony SXRD KDS50A2000 TV from Best Products In December of 2006. I received delivery of the TV on January 3, 2007. The TV failed to power up on March 9th 2008. Sony Customer Information Service was called and I was informed that the TV only had a year warranty and it had expired. I was referred to a local TV tech. The TV tech found that the fan associated with the optical block had failed. I was billed $269. for the fans replacement. The TV tech informed me that failures of this fan is a common occurrence on this tv. He also said that failures involving the optical circuitry is also common on this TV. The tech felt that the heat generated by the lamp is the probalble cause of the fan failure, due to the heat causing the fan bearing to expand and therefore wear out prematurely. He also felt that the optical circuitry failure causing the yellow and green failures on many of these TVs was caused by the heat from the lamp also. Extending a warranty will not resolve this issue for me. After the warranty extension the set will fail due to the inherent design issue. Sony needs to provide some form of modification to the design and apply it to the Tvs that have this issue or they need to refund the money so the consumer can purchase a TV that will give the length of service that a $2000. TV is be expected to provide. I am aware of a class action suit that provides for an extension of warranty on the SXRD SBR series of this TV.
Posted by: Ellis W Keen | Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 05:49 PM
We purchased Sony SXRD April 2006 and have really enjoyed it. Our screen went green tint and then on full time green and we had it fixed the day before the warrantee ran out. I wonder if this is the yellow tint you guys are talking about? Now we have a problem where the red light on indicators on front of tv, blink 4 times. Can hear the TV but no picture??? I think it is the bulb and we will have a tech guy come out I guess. So if anyone has heard of that please let us know. And also Alex I would like to know more about the class action suite that provides for an extension of warranty ont he SXRD.
Posted by: Tom and Kate Parr | Monday, March 24, 2008 at 08:29 PM
Yes, the green blob and yellow tint issues are related.
As for your new issue, it most likely is related to the bulb, but you will have to call the repair people to find out. I couldn't find a source online that details what the blink codes all mean.
As for the extended warranty, this was done by Sony. They extended the warranty on the optical block (the main core of the TV) until end of October 2008. I'm not sure if they did that as part of settlement terms of the class action or not. But your warranty for the yellow stain/green blob problems doesn't run out until Oct 2008.
Posted by: Alexander Scoble | Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 10:38 AM
Ellis - what turned out to be the fix for the 4 blinks problem? From what I've found it's the fan that cools the lamp could be the issue. We can hear the TV but not see it as it seems to shut off the lamp after detecting the fan isn't spinning so it will not overheat.
Posted by: BD | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 11:43 AM
Does anyone know whether sony has corrected the problem in new model SXRD's. Sears has the 60" on sale for an amazing $1400.
Posted by: jaker rodriguez | Friday, June 13, 2008 at 12:46 PM
Bought new KDS50A2000 September 06, Now optical block has gone, tech (Qualserve) came out and at first told me the tv set wasnt designed for long view times (huh?), after 20 minute conversation including the part were he tried telling me it wasnt under warranty (2 year optical block,per sony) plus a manufacture date stamped on tv of July 06, it was decided that sony would replace the optical block $1200 part with me just paying the service fee $300, now all i have to do is find the reciept,
Any Attorneys out there how about class action for the newer models!!!!!
Once unit is fixed i have a thirty day warranty, from reading threads it seems the optical block can last between 12 months to two years, Qualserve state fixing 60 SXRD units a week, the alternative! Selling mine on Ebay!!!!!
Posted by: KF | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 08:23 AM
I just replaced my lamp on the SXRD KDS 50XBR1 and now I have the yellow/green tint over my picture. I called Sony who said they would replace the optical block if that was in fact the problem, but that I would have to pay for the in home evaluation. they tried to push their nation service provider who couldn't come out for until 2 weeks from now. I called a local technician who said this problem is always the optical block, he in fact ordered it on the spot, will fix the TV tomorrow and said he would not charge for any evaluation.
Posted by: Doug | Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 12:20 PM
It appears the sony settlement now runs through June of 2009. I'm pleased I found this URL: my 60" SXRD TV is now 2 years old and I've noticed the yellow/brown at the top right 10 inches of the screen (triangular shape).
I will call the Sony tech when I return from our 2 week vacation.
Does anyone know if Sony has improved this optical block or light engine, or will I need to pay for the next one in 2 years, out-of-pocket?
If it's the same old part - you'll find my TV for sale on Craigs List after the repair.
thanks in advance --
Posted by: William D. | Wednesday, July 02, 2008 at 10:33 PM
My 60" SXRD had the optical block changed and looked great ... for 8 months. The yellow stain is back and Sony isn't helpful even though it is still in the Class Action lawsuit timeframe. I'LL NEVER BUY ANOTHER SONY ANYTHING! I paid $4K for this POS disposable TV.
Posted by: JohninOKC | Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 11:56 AM
I also have a sont 60 SXRD tv. I have loved it for 3 years and also have a yellow stain in the bottom right hand corner of the TV. I have had it for about 3 weeks now and called Sears who I had a 3 year warrenty with to find out that my warrenty ran out the previous week. They now want to chatge me $700 for an extended 1 year warrenty. Will Sony fix this issue? Or any other suggestions would be appreciated
Posted by: Brian S. | Thursday, September 03, 2009 at 05:26 PM
I have the Sony 60"SXRD. (model # kds-r60xbr1) I had the optical block replaced in 2007, it is now turning yellow again. Sony says they extended the warranty, out of the goodness of their heart, to September 2009. So I am out of luck, 28 days late you could say. I have an attorney who deals with class action suits. I am contacting him to see if there is anything that we can do. If you have the same problem, let me know. The more people we have, maybe we can get something done.
Posted by: Dawn | Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Have you had any luck I have the same problem
Posted by: Phil | Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 06:55 PM