I've heard other people tell stories of calling up Dell and getting killer deals on systems, similar to how some people are able to get great deals from car dealers.
Been talking to a woman and she's just not giving me an inch.
One interesting thing that I saw in one of my Pubsub feeds is blog called cheapstingybargains
For instance they have details on a deal from Dell to get 40% off of the 2005FPW 20" flat screen when you buy as a small business customer. So I'm definitely getting that.
Oh and don't get me started on the terms they offered me for their Dell preferred account. 25% anual interest and $2000 max...Say what?
Anyhow, Dell would have had to bring their price on the XPS 4 down to about $3000 including monitor, shipping and tax.
I just can't see spending $4050 for something when I can build it BETTER for $2850.
Can you say "dude, you're not getting a Dell!"
Watch www.slickdeals.net and www.fatwallet.com 's hot deal forums for deals on dell computers.
Posted by: me | Friday, June 10, 2005 at 04:18 AM