So far of the Blackberry project, the BB 7100Ts have been the biggest dissappointment. For some reason, they will not pick up a GPRS signal inside of our building, yet the 7730s will.
The 7100Ts seem to have reception problems in other areas as well.
I now know that they do work, however because I took one home over the weekend on a whim. Drive like a block from our building and the 7100T got a signal and registered itself on the network.
Totally madening. At any rate, we are returning both of those and everyone is getting the 7730.
Have to say that so far the 7730 is a nice unit. Just wish it had bluetooth.
For what it's worth, we've noticed exactly the same thing with the 7100t vs. the 7230 I'm writing this on.
I'm also getting good signal right now in an old hotel that is notorious for being cellphone signal challenged.
Posted by: Gary | Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 12:20 PM
My new 7100t barely gets reception at work in our offices. Also, the signal fades while in my house and can't get it back (unless I drive away)! Any solutions to this yet? How about those signal boosters you see advertised that go under the batteries?
Posted by: J7 | Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 08:34 AM
I highly doubt it. I've never heard anyone say that those things actually work. And I'm pretty sure that I've heard my dad, the retired electronics engineer, say that they are pure bunk.
I'm certainly not going to waste the $20 to try it, but if anyone else has used them with or without success, feel free to leave a comment here.
Posted by: Alexander Scoble | Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 05:52 PM