Here's an interesting tidbit that I ran into recently.
I currently have a mixed mode Exchange site with 1 x 5.5 server and 2 x 2003 servers. All mail boxes are on the 2003 backend server now and the 5.5 server is up and running for SMTP traffic (I was having some issues with 2003 as an SMTP server - more on that later) and is also the PDC for the old NT4 domain.
Since all mailboxes were moved, I had anyone who used OWA to change their password to meet the stricter requirements of "strong" passwords that AD has (must have 3 of the 4 requirements: upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols) and activated the accounts that had their passwords changed in AD.
Some time later, I noticed that I could no longer administer Public Folders from within Outlook when logged in as my NT4 account. If I logged in as my AD account, I could administer them, but couldn't access user mailboxes.
Today, a secretary called to let me know that she couldn't access her attorney's contact folder, which got me looking at permissions again, although her issue ended up being much simpler (was in Mail folders view in Outlook instead of Contacts or Folder List view). I happened across a KB article on Microsoft's support site that had as part of the instructions for giving an NT4 account access to a mailbox on Exchange 2003, the curious step of disabling the AD account for the mailbox in question.
So I disabled my AD account and Voila! I was able to administer the Public folders again after I went back in with Exchange System Manager and readded myself in as Owner of the folders since my mailbox had been replaced with my AD account as owner.
Another Exchange 2003 mystery solved.
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